Thursday, August 16, 2007

Muddy days

I've had a good day today, started the analysis of the survey, figured out how to enter it all into excel. I worked with Richard, a Ugandan with some experence with Excel, who is great and will be doing all the data entry for the survey. We entered the first household's data together so that was exciting for me to see it come together.

I spent the morning with a community health nurse who works with AIDS patients. She goes to their homes and does education on all different types of things and ensures that ARVs are being taken properly. We walked through muddy fields up to our knees in puddles to get to the client's home, and got covered in mud. I slipped and fell on my butt right into the mud and got absolutely covered (typical for me..!). Everyone laughed really hard, including me. But then I was blown away after we got back, because they washed my feet for me. After they were done, my feet were cleaner than they've been the whole time I've been here, they cleaned each toe with so much care. It was an absolutely amazing, humbling experience. I have come here to give, and yet I recieve more from people who we think have "nothing" than I can ever give.

Then tonight I had a girls night with some of my friends here, as this is my last night and we made a Ugandan meal--I taught some of the visitors how to make Chapatis, which are a typical Ugandan food, so I was quite proud of myself. (I've been taught by some Ugandan friends).
They've all gone home now and the power was off and just as I was about to go to bed I walked into a corner of a wall (I'm staying in a new house and not familiar with the layout) and split my eyebrow open. So typical...I always end up doing these things to myself! After looking at it I've decided I'm ok and don't need stiches which is good because if I did, I'm sure there's no one to do them for me. Anyhow, I decided to check my email while I ice my forehead to try to downsize the already growing lump on my forehead. And now that I'm done writing this blog, I'm heading off to bed. I'm supposed to be getting up early tomorrow to meet a friend to go for a run. yuck.


Unknown said...

wow I cant believe your time in Uganda is already winding to a close..
time just flies, but Im sure at the same time it is like an eternity to you. Sounds like you've had some amazing experiences - I have enjoyed reading them on here! Looking forward to seeing you when you get back and hearing more stories!

Unknown said...

by the way, its Aimee here - I see it just shows up as "a" and you are probably thinking who the heck is "a"... ;)

diana_in_europe said...

Anna I am so excited for you to come home! You and your stories of walking into things. I thought it was enough that you walk into me when we go around the block, but no, you had to take out the wall now didn't you?

Just be careful...we want you back in one piece. Love you and see you soon!
