Tuesday, June 26, 2007

adventures in the night!

Yesterday I moved into the other Jenga house because Robby, Bart and Cindy (the dutch couple) have all gone to Sudan for the week, so I would've been staying in the house by myself. And since there was somebody creeping around the compound in the middle of the night last week (I woke up in the middle of the night from a loud crash outside my window. At first i thought maybe it was from inside the house and Robby was up--he sometimes keeps odd hours--but then i heard someone moving around really quietly outside my window. i lay there for a while listening, to make sure i wasn't hearing things, but there was definetely (did i spell that right!) someone there so i got up and went and woke Robby up, which was a challenge in itself, but then told him and he found a broom--the only thing remotely near a weapon--and went outside and looked around a bit but didn't find anyone. The compound is completely gated but there was an area at the back that was not lighted and he couldn't see so he didn't go there.) So...I am not staying in that house by myself! At this house, we have 3 dogs and a guard. Every Muzungu (white person...when I'm walking anywhere, everyone shouts "Muzungu! Muzungu!! How are you?!" at me) has a gated compound an a guard staying overnight but we've just moved into the other place and are housesitting for a few months so there isn't one there. The house is completely secure, there's no way anyone could ever get in to it, bars on every window, but someone must've put a ladder up against the wall and gotten into the compound. So that was my adventure last week! Must get off the internet now, but when i get a chance, i will write more about my experiences working at Joy Hospice.

1 comment:

Heather Mercer said...

Hi Anna I really really want to hear about some of your medical adventures.