Sunday, July 29, 2007

More pictures

Here are a few more pictures of some of what I've been up to this past week. The first one is me in the IDP camp with some of the children that followed us around.
Today after church we went for lunch in a little indian restaurant (reminded me so much of home for those of you who've been to...haha I can't actually remember the name of the east indian restaurant we always go to in Burnaby!) Anyways this is a picture of me and Tim, a British short term Jenga volunteer, with Emma, a very lively ugandan girl who has been adopted by an Australian couple. They are leaving to go back to Australia next week so I will miss them.
The last picture is of us wading in a stream up in Sipi Falls, which was very very cold! Me, Tim, Jayne and Jonathan (another short term British volunteer with Jenga who is actually leaving on tuesday and will be missed).


Miriam said...

Thanks for posting pics, Anna. I love the one with you and all the kids at the IDP camp. You look so African in your brightly colored clothes (i.e. my stereotype of the style of an entire continent... you'll have to correct me on some of those when you get back.)!

janetbutts said...

Hi Anna. Never tried to post a reply to your blog, but apparently I can! (I have the technology...)
Praying a lot for you, for Jenga, for Mooni, and now for Gulu. I've heard about Gulu a lot, but didn't realize that the "night-walking" was pretty much over. It's probably at least a couple years since I first read about it in Time or McLean's.