Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Stories on the spiritual side

I thought I would share with you some of what has been happening in my life spiritually while being in Africa. God’s been speaking to me a lot about staying in his arms, all the time. The conference I was at, they talked about being at the cross, and how THAT is how no matter what happens to us, we can be safe, because he is protecting us. No matter what people do to us or what happens in our lives, we are safe there and can respond in love and not be hurt. I like to think of it as being in Jesus’ arms, though. In his embrace, with his arms wrapped around me, nothing can harm me. But coming to the cross is that aspect of laying down whatever it is that it burdening me and letting go of it—because if I hold on to it, God can not work. So that is my cry for me and you--that we may learn to constantly stay in his arms and be safe, so that no matter what happens, his arms are around me. but so often i find my self running out of his arms and trying to do things in my own strength without even realizing it! So it is indeed a journey.

God told me a few days ago that my job is to stay in His arms at all times—that’s all I need to focus on, and He will take care of the rest. But that is so much easier said than done. I find so often that without even realizing it, I have run off out of His arms to fix some problem or do something that is my own desire, not His. Obedience is what goes hand in hand with staying in His arms. I recently read an amazing book about a Muslim lady from India who became a Christian (which is very applicable to here, because there are many, many muslims here—all of Mooni is muslim.) Anyhow, in her book, she talks about staying in the glory of God at all times, in His presence constantly, and how when she had realized that God’s glory was not with her anymore, she could always trace it back to disobedience—somewhere, she had had a prompting to do something or not do something and she had not obeyed. She would repent and immediately God’s glory and presence would return to her, filling her with joy and peace, no matter her circumstance. So I think that is the secret of praying constantly, and being in the vine—Jesus says he is the vine and we are the branches, and if we remain in him then he will remain in us and we will bear much fruit. I am discovering how to remain in him constantly. It’s really hard. I mess up all the time. So often I feel the slightest nudge, just seems like a suggestion, not a loud, strong voice, of what I should do, and often for the smallest things that seem to make no difference, and I am used to just making my own decisions in small matters and asking God for direction on big decisions. But he is challenging me to look to him for everything. For example, when I go for a run, he directs me in which way to run. This morning, he told me to turn off the road and into the fields. I started to, but it seemed so crazy—running through little tiny paths in a corn field! I started to, then decided it was nuts and turned around. But again I had a sense that I should, so I turned back and did. I ended up finding a river and it was very beautiful, but beyond that I was not aware of any drastic purpose in it. However, that doesn’t matter—what matters is that I am obeying God.

When I was younger, I used to wonder how exactly I knew if God was speaking to me. I used to struggle with wondering if it was just my own thoughts, and how I knew. But I have found that the more I listen and obey, even if I am not sure—I just step out in faith and trust that even if I am wrong, God will honor me because He sees my heart is to obey—the clearer that voice gets and the more I can recognize when it is God. In a book I read recently, I really love the way the author put it: have you ever felt a nudge to tell someone about God or pray with some one? Well, listen to that, do it, and as you do, nudges will get stronger and clearer. If you ignore it, God does not force us, and I think maybe even he will become quieter, because he does not force himself on us—he waits to see if we want him to and want to listen to him.

Well those are some of the things I have been learning while being here. I hope that encourages some of you. I miss you all, I love you, and I pray for you. I pray psalm 23 over you: that God will give you your every need, guide you into a place of rest, no matter what your circumstances, that you will have no fear no matter what comes your way, because God is your comfort. That he will bless you in the presence of your enemies and that would be a witness to them and they would see Him! That you would be annointed, and overflowing out into every person you meet, that goodness and mercy would be with you always, and mostly that you would dwell in His presence continuously, forever.
I love hearing from you, and if you have anything you would like me to pray for you about, don't hesitate to email!

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